This was the first bible I ever had in my life, I can remember a exact moment in my life when I lifed with my mum, I was about 7 or 8 and in my bed one night, I asked my mum to come in when I was snuggled in, so I could read her the first few pages on my bible.
If I can remember correctly I think it went something like this (I have not seen this book for about 10 years). It told you to think of the world with nothing in, close your eyes. There were no creatures, no day, no night...
I have always remebered this book, the storys it presents. The images and thoughts it makes me feel.
This book was my firt proper book, and I loved it so. I can remeber that my Nan brought it for me and on the first page she wrote me a little message in what I think was red wax, although im not sure about the wax, that is how it look's in my mind.
One day I scribbled it out, in a way now that I am older I regret it, but for somereason I am glad, you can still see it though and for me it makes it more personal.
I think, well I hope that one day I will be able to hunt this book out and I will read it's storys again and again.
That's so lovely, Em! I hope you find it one day soon and can enjoy reading it again.
I remember saying prayers with my mum when I was small. It was always the same one:
"Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
Guard and keep me through the night
And wake me with the morning light."
I still say it sometimes when I have had a nightmare - it's really comforting and I think God does guard you through the night.
I think he does to. I can almost seem him watching us sleep and caring for us.
I have this little card with a saying on, I think it is really nice, I shall show it to you.
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