We had the carpets fitted the other day, and today we have had the funiture. It seems so homely. I was in my prime doing the fire. I have always liked building and working with fires. I know exactly what I am doing and throughly enjoy the time. I can spend hours sitting and watching the flames. When I was younger, we use to have a fire everyother weekend when I went to my Dad's.
I would set up a tent - my home. Get sauspans. Eggs and tomatoes were my favorit thing to cook. Iwould create my own world, imagine a family and play. Sometimes I was the mum, others a sister. i would build a fire and fry food, place it on plastic plates and serve it to my pretned family. I would make nettle soup out of nettles and water. Prented drinks - it all use to end on the floor in the mud ( that was the intension, it was not edable). I always played games by myself. Made homes... I use to pretend my quadbike was a car and park it up in my pretend drive. I would spend hours in my fantasy, and i though it was real all the way through.
I loved the idea of a family that I made. It would be simple. But as the weeks went on the story lines would become more imagnitive. I really wonder what my dad thought when he saw me?
My sister only being 3 years older never went through the same motion I had. I would have loads of dolls and push chairs. I have always yearned for a child and a life like the one that I made. It was home.
People have so many different expectations of a home. There are peoples who's home is in a corner of a aley, I can also see why thay call that home. To there it is a place of safeness and comfort.
My home was whereever I could escape from the world I lived in. I have now though found the place I call home, in a cosy room, lit by firelight and my dad and Gill. Holding the thought that God is watching over looking after Harry and Pru. To me that is home, and there is no where I long to be more.
It's good to hear you say you have a place that you call home and feel at home in. Everyone should have a place like that.
They say "home is where the heart is" - I think that is so true, and yet I don't really think it necessarily has to be the place, as I think home is more about being with those we love and who love us. It's a comfy feeling don't you think?
I love my home, but I don't think it's because of the decor or the furnishings although that helps, but because of the people in it.
It doesn't feel as "homely" when I'm alone in it. As there's 5 of us though, that's not very often thankfully.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is that although we should appreciate the building we call home, the people in it are much more precious.
Just a thought -- our youth group meet once a month at the Salvation Army Hall in Crewe for "Solution".It's "Youth Type" worship stuff, sometimes daft games etc and then we have all sorts of stuff to eat after in a cafe type setting and just generally hang out.
Most of the Runway group go to it, plus some from other churches.
We'd love you to come if you can make it. It's on tomorrow night (Friday) and starts at 7.30pm and is supposed to finish at 9.00pm, but we're usually there till about 9.30pm.
You will need a little bit of money if you want something to eat, but only maybe a pound or two.
See you then if you can make it.
It's wonderful to hear you sounding so happy and 'at home' with your Dad and Gill. Your house is truly gorgeous, and your folks are wonderful too; I think you're all going to be very happy together in your new home. :o)
And don't forget that God's looking after Harry and Pru AND you, your Dad and Gill too. He's holding your hand every step of the way, so don't forget that when you think you're on your own - you're not and never will be.
My mum once wrote me a poem when I was being bullied at school. I carried it around in my pencil case to help me through the day. I'm going to pass it to you Em, to help you in any tricky moments (and we all have them!)
"I love you my sweetheart and want you to know,
I'm thinking of you now and loving you so;
So if you feel sad because you're on your own,
Remember Jesus is with you - you're never alone."
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