There are three people in my life that inspire me compleatly.
In theatre studies the other day we were asked to draw a family tree. Not a real related family tree. We drew a tree with a single small apple in the middle.
On the outside of the tree we were asked to write down ten names of people that mean a lot to me. I chose ten, all for differnt reasons.
Inside the tree we had to narrow those names to five of the people who were influentaul. All the people I chose had influenced me in life for very differnt reasons. I will write them down becaue Like Suse said about her self I am a open book and don't mind.
Gill who helped me get better and to look after me over the last year. She really rescued me
Mrs Adamson who encouraged me through my school years and helped me show myself what I was capable of.
Suse who was there for me where I needed to someone, and is a great friend.
Tammy who is amazing has given me so many reasons to live for, so many words of encouragment and has helped me sort my life out when I just wanted to give in.
Ella who words cannot describe how (if you look up good in the theasaurus, she means them all to me). She has been through so much and I love her so much. She means the world to me, I would not be here without her. ( Im glad im here).
We then had to choose the two people we loved the most. I chose Gill and Ella, I have my reasons and I love them for complatly different reasons.
It was not until earlier today that I thought what bout God. Is he not inspirational to me? Why did his name not come to me when I was doing this exercise? He does so much for us all the time, his love is unconditional. Maybe I did not think of him because he is not a physical person. I am really don't know how I missed him out. God is my ultimate inspiration, I think. He inspires us to live, shows us that there is a heaven. But then people do as well. Ella did for me and she is not God. I don't think my intelegence has progressed enough for me to work out in my mind why I do and also do not inspire towards God.
Firstly Em, thank you so much for inviting me to read your blog. It is a wonderful way of sorting out your thoughts! This last couple of weeks I have hit rock bottom but I have to keep trying to remember all the things I said to you to try to lift you back again - maybe I should start a blog too! I haven't read all of yours yet so I'm going to look though it. You are an incredibly strong, beautiful (inside and out) girl with so much talent and so much to give to the world. You are very VERY special and so many people love you.
Ella x (Miss S)
Hi Ella! Another Em-fan :o) Welcome along. This blog is fantastic, isn't it?
Thanks for including me in your tree, Emily! You're so kind. Though I only did what anyone would do when you lost Pru. I'd hope that if Kitty was in the same situation when she's bigger, that someone would look after her for me when I couldn't be there.
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