It's in the 'valleys' of your life that you can drink from God's sweetest streams. It's during this period when he restors your soal.
This is a saying that I have just come across, but believe that it is true in some areas of life. But in others I am not to sure.
It is no secret that I went through a time a depression, I am not ashamed of it as it is something that happend and is now in the past. I have ended up a stronger person (I think).
There is the story 'footprints' where also it exclaims that in the worst parts of your life that God is there for you, helping you get throungh it.
I was 'ill' for quite a while, and it seemed to me that God was not there, if he was then why did I not feel the guidence that he has had upon me for all my life?
However as the phrase said that it is in these sad times that your soal is restored. Maybe my soal did get restored and that is why I am a stronger person, with stronger believs. I think that that time in my life has made me what I am today.
It seems to me that when we are at our lowest times, it's then that we don't think we have anyone and that God is far away from us.
It's only when we come through those times and realise, as you say, that we have ended up a stronger person because of our experiences that we realise that God really was there all the time. We just couldn't see it.
Do you think also that we are sometimes put into these siuations so that we can help others in future times.
It's a wonderful thing to be able to say to someone who is hurting "I know how you feel".
Just like Suzie and I were able to say to you when you lost your precious pet.
That's true Mand.
And as a fellow depression-sufferer, Em, I've often thought that I was glad I went through those bleak times, because it means I can really understand how people feel when they're low.
I compleatly agree with you both here. My down times have really shaped my future and how I am today. I am more underatanding and am determined to help people in someway or another in my life as a living. I found just how powerful God is from my experience.
A lot of youngsters your age don't really think much beyond themselves, because they've never had to struggle or had any real problems. Your experiences have made you a more empathetic and mature person, I think. They'll certainly help when you go into your career.
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