This afternoon, I had a bit of a downer after having a rather enjoyable morning with my dad and Gill in Nantwich in the rain. I spent all afternoon in bed looking at the wall stright infront of my eyes as I streared intregenly at the pictures I had earlier that week put on. There are two images of baby Pru, one straight after she had her kittens and one a few weeks later. Tears flooded to my eyes filling me with a deeper sorrow then I have felt before in my life. I don't know if my thoughts are beong selfish but now that she has gone I have no one, yeh I do have Spex, but if say a person close to you died, no one can replace there. Spex can not replace Pru. I stayed strearing untill I dropped of to sleep and the same when I awoke.
It was only when my nan coming over for dinner knocked on my door, comented on the layout of my room and how wonderful it was, looking at a little singing rocking horse teddy that she had got me when I was no more that a todler (played the same song as the toy I got Kitty).
That she sat on my bed and I just uncovered the covers tucked over my face that I sat up and weeped that I missed Pru. Suddenly a great weight lifted and I felt contented. I have my bible that I was presented when I left junior school by my bed and on top of that a 'Daily light for your daily path' book that Dad and Gill had brounght me from Chester. My nan being the only other religious person in my family read me the day today and I turned to the day that Pru died and read her it, it mentioned death what a coninsidence. I also turned and read the day of my birthday and that mentioned birth. It felt so lovely my nan reading to me something that meant so much to me, and me reading to her.
Now I look at those pictures on the wall with sheer delight and appriciation for the happiness Pru has bought me over the time she has had on earth.
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