When is it clasified that you are adult? I once thought that it was age. That once you were 17/18 you were then treated as a adult. A adult being someone who is fully able to be a independent person.
Someone may be biologically an adult, and have adult behavioral characteristics but still be treated as a child.
Conversely one may legally be an adult but possess none of the maturity and responsibility that define adult character.
I am often confussed whether or not I am a adult. Yes I may be only 17 and so am not legally classed as a adult. But there are many things I can do now that I could not a few years ago. I may not have the adult charactoristics for example the defined features. (I still fit into childrens clothes). However in side of me I do feel like a 'adult'. My family treat me as a adult, and i have many other charactoristics that make me adult like.
The question that is puzzeling me at the moment though, is what defines a person as a adult?
There are many children in the world who are responsable at a very young age, have to lead the role as mother or father and have all the duties that come with being a 'adult'. Earning your keep, looking after your family, respecting others... These people are leagally classed as 'children' yet act as adults. 'Adulthood' also works the other way round. legally class adults, may contain all the charactoristics of a child. Not earning their keep, needing guildence on how to life life...
So in my thoughs their are two different sets of adults. those who are legally adults, and those who have adults behavior charictoristics.
However if you are classed as a adult, then surly a lot is expected of you, when inside you still feel as though your 14. Being a adult doesnt mean that your have to be compleatly responsable all the time, however you should know your limits. I know in my family my dad and Gill are reponsable adults but yet can still mess around and have laughs yet they do know when it is appropiate to 'stop'. - carm down.
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