After reading Suse's blog the other day, she wrote a letter to herself, giving advise for her earlier self.
I though this would be a good idea, and although I am young, I would love to tell myself old self infomation on the life that she is about to lead.
Dea Em,
Your life will not be a pubble of sweet dreams all the way throung, You are going to face a great deal of difficulties and hardships well before you get to the age of understanding.
You are now about 5 years old, living with both mum and dad, REMEMBER try your best to remember these happy times, the times you go on walks, the time when you have your first bike. The time you spend as a family. Things will not stay like that for long, the peoples life aroung you shatters to pieces and you don't understand, you will never understand fully. Dad leaves, he doesnt leave because he doesnt want to be with, he loves you. Don't cry when he comes and gets his stuff, smile and never let him go. Tell him you want to go where he goes, you don't ever want to leave his side. TELL HIM, he needs to know.
As time passes you get a a bit older but still don't understand, you are tossed from house to house with mum's different boyfeiends... stick with Char, don't leave her, trust her, she will look after you. Do all you can to be a child through these times, you won't get another chance.
Your a lot older now, Char is taking care of you, buying food for you, appriciate it, where would you be with her, one day you will find out.
Mum doesnt love you quite as much as she says, take care off yourself, egnor her malipitive ways, the things she does will shape your whole life unless you make it stop.
Char will go to Uni, just about, she is almost to ill but she will go, make her go, it will help her. Although you are left, yes things do get worse, but when she finely does through you out, don't blame yourself, she was the one who made you ill. Yes you will get ill, want to kill yourself, stop eating, but someone will rescue you, someone you once though would never, she will be your hero, and her sister. Let them help, they understand. They will in the end be the reason why you get better. But don't go back to mum, else it will all get worse again, DON'T.
But live with dad and Gill, everything will then sort itself out and you can start a new life. But never forget those people that saved you.
This life will be full of joys, meeting the right people, people who care. Let the emotion flow, pepole understand.
But in order to start this good life, i am sorry you have to go through the bad life as well. But it will improve, you will find your feet and will be happy. Don't give up on life, you have a wonderful future, and after that you have a even better future to aim for.
Good luck.
Oh you poor thing. But don't you think that it goes back to what we were saying before, that going through these experiences makes us stronger in the end?
I too think that you have a very bright future ahead of you. You just have to keep looking forward and not look back. Keep setting targets for yourself or setting goals for things you'd like to do or achieve. But most of all, enjoy the journey.
Life isn't so hard for a lot of youngsters your age - nowhere near. But you will be so much stronger for all those experiences. You have had to fight and you have won. A true survivor.
You should be incredibly proud of yourself.
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