Wednesday 5 November 2008

lets go

Running up and down the stairs, get a quick drink in before you leave the house, a quick kiss from Spex, well maybe a few and your out of the house on you way, ready for whatever lies ahead in that day. Whos knows? Isnt that exiting? that you never know what may happen.

Everything is so busy and hetic. And I love it, everything is to a scendual, get up - when im awoken by 'MIIIILLLLL, need to get up', out the door when the clock crows, on the bus - 8.10, get to school 8.30, lessons, 9.00. Everything is a scendual, that I stick to. One move wronge and it can turn the whole day upside down, and that can be a domino effect on the rest of the week.

In my scendual I have Wednesday afternoons free, to myself (and Spex) where I can do what I want,mostly homework. But today I decided to pop to the chip shop for lunch, then fell asleep on the minascual sofa untill I awoke up cold and realiseing that my mouth was leaking (slobber patch). I didnt have a scedual this afternoon, and in a way that felt good, I was not expected to do anything and pople didnt expect anything of me. I am free to do what I wish. The main thing I love about these afternoons thought is the time I can spend with Spex, just watching her run, have a cuddle, and see how she appriciates the attension. She fills the afternoons with love.

I like having my life on a rota, knowing what I am doing the next day, but also having the freesdom for a occasional rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cuddling up with Spex sounds wonderful - I love evenings with Paws on my lap, but he normally chooses to sit with Andy :o( Boys sticking together...