In the meeting place, which is a place for christians to meet every Friday lunch time at school. We were talking about talents. We were all asked to discuss what we thought our talents were. Listening around the rooms I caould here people expressing 'I'm good at singing... dancing...football...attractive.' At this moment I was talking to the leader of the group and sort of blurted out, as I do, that I think we all have a talent, that we are all special in the eyes of God. That my talent was being me, and my personality.' I had to repeat this to the group with in a way made me nervous but them I was just stating my oppinion and so didnt mind. Faces sort of lit up as to say 'oh yeah, i never thought about that'.
If you think about it though what makes a talent in the sense of being a good singer... It's being better than other people, and so we need other people to succeed and therefor we work together with other people.
I wouldn't have thought of 'being yourself' as a talent, but I'm sure you're right. You have some very original thoughts, Em. :o)
p.s Paws doesn't know what Spex was on about about going up a year at Cat School - he says she's made it up to distract you from all the detentions she keeps getting for climbing the walls during lessons.
Hi Em,
It's Re:Generation again on Wednesday at North Street Methodist church in Crewe. I know you weren't sure where it was - I don't have a post code, but if you come past Leighton Hospital it's a straight road down to North Street. Oppostite the Horse Shoe pub. 7.30pm till about 9.00ish.
We would all really, really love you to come.
I would love to go, but I have a costume fitting. Im really bussy untill about the 13th of December - have rehursals all week apart from tonight. When I am free I promise I will come. x
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