I agree that everything happenes for a reason, everything has a reason behind it, and where would we be without the choices we have made. I feel that we all make the right choices and are led by God in making them and these choices whether they be good or bad, they are a lesson. Mistakes are experience, but why a mistake? Surly we chose to do something for a reason and it just flopped and went wronge? I think people have different oppinions on everything and this is just mine 'Everything has a reason behind it' - in my life I can see now looking back and in the present the meanings. Although often we can't see it a bit of contemplation you may be able to. It's an acceptance of we are what we are.
I've made some harsh dicisions in my life but they have all come to something possitive in the end, i've learnt from them, im a stonger person, there is more depth and understanding to me now, to the life I lead.
Do we always need to show confidence in yourself? I've tended lately at college to always wear a smile, but im wearing it, it doesnt mean I mean it, inside I feel completly different but in a lot of cituations first impressions count. If you have gloomy face surly someone will say something and I dont have the inner confidence to respond. But with a smile you can cheer someone up, and pass the confruntation from those who notice, afterall there is a saying that goes 'shout and everyone can here you, whisper and those close can here you, say nothing and only your friends can here you' of course I am taking this metaohorically - you dont need to show your emotion or feelings, those you can trust and love can recognise without any indication when all is not well.
When I get emotional either over happy or sad I can find contentment in the things I have - my family, and who said family has to be related?